Palisades Optimist Club’s Oratorical Contest Opens to High School Students

The Pacific Palisades Optimist Club’s Oratorical Contest, which awards monetary prizes to winners and a chance to compete at an international competition, is open to all high school youth (private and public). A contestant must be under the age of 18 as of October 1, 2017. 

The topic this year is “Where Are My Roots of Optimism.” The talk must be between four and five minutes long.  The date of the contest will be in late February and held at the Palisades Lutheran Church. Emcee this year will be Palisades High School senior Daniel Gottesman, who won the contest two years ago and competed at the international event in St. Louis.

Pacific Palisades resident Susie DeWeese is the oratorical chair this year. Once a student contacts her (310) 600-2585 (cell) or via email, she will send an application and answer any questions. A copy of a birth certificate is also required. 

Left to right: Judith Zhang (2nd Place), Daniel Gottesman (MC), Susie DeWeese (Chair), Tobias Scott (1st Place) and Keren Dror (3rd Place) pose after the contest. Photo: Rich Wilken
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