Palisades News Letters: Paul Revere Parking Needs Action

Regarding the illegal parking problems at Paul Revere Middle School, Pacific Palisades has a large senior population and emergency trips to St. John’s and UCLA Santa Monica via Allenford happen every day.

In my view, an emergency patient attempting to go via Allenford either to St. John’s or Santa Monica Hospital could DIE because the ambulance is NOT going to get thru the street with double/tripled illegally parked cars. Parents and housekeepers are parked illegally on both sides of the street.

I propose the following solution:

1.) Put “No Parking Tow Away” signs (7 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays) on both sides of Allenford from Sunset to Brinkely Drive. Repaint the curbs red and ENFORCE it.

2.) Send notices before towing starts to all student homes, warning of the change.

3.) For at least 10 days, put someone from the school out there to tell illegally parked cars to move or get towed.

Jacques Soiret

Palisades News welcomes all letters, which may be emailed to Please include a name, address and telephone number so we may reach you. Letters do not necessarily reflect the viewpoint of the Palisades News.

Cars park in driveways and in the red, causing chaos during Revere school dismissal.
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